Looking for something that has the potential to spice up the photo booth experiences you offer and make your booths able to engage a larger number of people? An animated start screen could be the key ingredient to a truly engaging and innovative twist on the photo booth experiences you offer.

In addition to being an exciting addition to the features you offer, the prospect of animated start screens also comes with the prospect of extended options for customisation and branding, as well as setting your booths apart from your competitors. But how do you get to create these animated start screens in the first place? There's a number of options that you can take advantage of, and in this article we'll list just a few for you.

Hire a Designer

One option is to hire a professional designer to create your animated start screen for you. If you know exactly what it is that you want and you're able to communicate your vision effectively, you'll find that you're able to get exactly what you asked for.

On the other hand, this option comes with several drawbacks. A good designer can be hard to find, especially one that is able to convert your exact vision into reality. Executing your vision will also require a large amount of back and forth, leading to a lengthier process than you want for your business. You could find yourself setting yourself back a hefty amount of cash and getting something that doesn't mirror the concept you had in mind.

Learn to DIY

If you want to make sure that you're in complete control of the artistic process, one option that you can take is to learn to create animated start screens yourself on programmes like Adobe After Effects. Like already stated, taking on this option means that you have total creative control over the design process, and in the long run, once you've honed your creative skills into a true talent, you'll never have to spend a penny on designers again.

The massive drawback of this however is that the learning process is not simple. It's a lengthy and extremely time-consuming endeavour with weeks, or even months, funnelled into watching tutorials or taking courses to perfect your skills. This time spent learning is also time spent away from helping your business to grow, and if you decide to divide your time by learning outside of the hours you'd usually spend managing your business, it means that you're syphoning time away from your personal life.

BoothMotion ?

BoothMotion is a service that provides booth owners with a huge library of excellent and captivating animations to choose from. These start screen animations are also completely customisable so you can be sure to create something akin to your artistic vision, without the lengthy learning process required of teaching yourself.

In addition, your clients will also be able to customise the animations themselves with the White Label widget, allowing for further customisation, an attractive feature, and an assurance that your clients will be pleased with the outcome of their experience. Thanks to BoothMotion's huge library however, yourself and your clients will be sure to find something that totally aligns itself with your needs and desires.

Interested in signing up and seeing what BoothMotion can do for you? Follow the link and experience all that BoothMotion can offer your business yourself.

Sign Up to BoothMotion


Animated start screens are an undeniable benefit to your photo booth business. These animations can not only serve as a tool to set yourself apart from your competitors, but function as a new way to get clients interested in what you have to offer, and gather more interest in the photo booth experience at their events. There's a number of methods you can take on in your quest to entwine animated start screens to your business, all with their own positives and drawbacks. What matters at the end of the day is making sure that you're taking the necessary steps to help your business to grow and secure a more profitable and reputable future for your photo booth business.